Serious Injuries That Result from Florida Slip and Falls


“You’re really going to sue someone just because you slipped and fell down?”


Most people don’t really understand how serious slip and fall accidents can be. They think, “I’ve fallen down before. Sure, it didn’t feel great, but mostly I was just embarrassed. It’s nothing to go to court over.”


This attitude is perpetuated in popular culture by the media reporting on how

What Slip-Resistant Floors Could Mean for Florida Slip and Fall Cases


We’re all too familiar with those yellow caution signs warning us about wet and slippery floors, but what if we could eliminate slick surfaces – and those ever-present signs – for good?


Coral Springs resident Michael Williams, who founded Safestep Floors, Inc. just this year, has made a Canadian-invented slip-resistant treatment process for floors available to South Florida home and business owners.



Where Do Slip and Falls Happen in Florida?

Falls cause over eight million emergency room visits annually, accounting for 21.3% of total visits to ERs. Of these, slips and falls account for 12% of total falls, representing the most common type of fall overall. These accidents can lead to serious injury or even death, resulting in high medical bills, missed work, and other financial concerns.


Many times, slip and falls occur due to

How to Win a Slip and Fall Case in Florida

Maybe you slipped in a puddle and broke a hip. Or you fell down stairs and hit your head. If your fall was caused by the negligence of another, you may be able to receive compensation for your damages.


Say, for example, that the “puddle” that caused you to slip and fall was wet paint on the ramp leading up to a restaurant. Whole situation

6 Ways Seniors Can Reduce Their Chances of a Slip-and-Fall Injury

Most of the time, if an adult slips and falls, their loved ones don’t make a big deal over the incident unless it causes permanent or scary injuries. Where seniors are concerned, though, this is definitely not the case – and it shouldn’t be.


As our loved ones get older, slipping and falling can’t help but become a bigger deal. Not only are falls just

5 Slip and Fall Statistics That Might Surprise You

Every single person on the planet has probably fallen down at one time or another. Maybe the ground or floor was wet. Maybe one of your legs fell asleep and you didn’t realize until you stood up… and then went right back down. Maybe you were just plain clumsy.


It happens.


Most of the time, our falls don’t amount to much. You might feel