Why Are FL Slip and Fall Accidents So Dangerous?

Slip and fall accidents happen frequently in Florida, but just because they’re common doesn’t mean they’re not dangerous. In fact, many people don’t realize just how severe these types of accidents can be – and why.


If you’re ever involved in a slip and fall, it’s something you should take seriously. Everyone should fully understand the dangers these types of accidents can pose to anyone

Is There a Wet Floor Sign Law in Florida?

Slip and fall injuries are often caused by walking on a wet surface. This begs the question: In Florida, are businesses required to warn you  with a sign saying that that the floor may be wet?


The answer to this question is a bit more complicated than a simple yes or no. Wet floor signs, regardless of the law, play a big role in slip

Slip and Fall in Florida: Negligence Decides Compensation


If you have suffered a slip and fall injury in a Florida business establishment, you may be looking at expensive medical bills, not to mention damages to any property on your person at the time of injury. Most likely, the danger that caused the accident was not sufficiently presented to you, so you would think that you deserve compensation.


And you are right! Florida

Can You Still File a FL Slip and Fall Claim If You’ve Been Drinking?


When someone suffers a slip and fall accident that results in injury, normally, there is an avenue for them to recover compensation. This can be accomplished by filing a slip and fall claim. In some cases, injuries can be traced back to negligence on the part of the property owner.


However, the law also expects people to be responsible for their own safety, even

NJ Hotelier Forks Over $4.75 Million — Would It Happen in FL?


Hotels are often seen as a sanctuary. People stay at hotels to get away, whether it be for business or travel. Something about it makes you feel as if you’re in a protective bubble that blocks out the world around you, but sometimes reality comes crashing in – literally.


A slip and fall accident at a hotel in New Jersey has recently yielded a

Can My Contractor Sue Me If He Gets Hurt in My Home?


Everyone slips and falls at some point in their lives. In many cases, the person who falls just gets back up and brushes themselves off no worse for the wear.


Sometimes, however, a slip and fall can be much more severe.


As a homeowner, you could wind up shouldering the blame if it happens on your property. For this reason, it’s important to