Reasons Florida Dog Bite Damages Can Be Reduced

Dog bites can cause very serious injuries, which is why the dog bite laws in Florida tend to be focused on the victim.


Still, dog bite damages aren’t as cut and dry as many people think and there are several reasons that damages awarded due to a dog bite claim can be reduced.

Here’s what you need to know.


Dog Owner Liability Under Florida

Study Shows Florida Dog Bite Claims Average Nearly $44k!


Florida has plenty of animals that can attack and hurt people. Alligators, sharks, and jellyfish are just a few of the options that come to mind. Exotic wild animals might not be the most dangerous creatures in Florida, though. That honor may well go to man’s best friend: the dog.


A recent study covering Florida found that dog attack insurance claims are much more

What You Need to Know about Florida Dog Bite Laws

Dog bites are a major cause of nonfatal injuries in Florida. Though non-life-threatening, dog bite injuries are particularly distressing because more often than not, a child will be the victim of the mauling.


Sadly, even though the dog bite problem has been around for as long as humans have been living with dogs, there hasn’t been a lasting solution to protect our children and loved

Who Is Liable in Florida If an Animal Bites Your Child?

It has been almost a year since a toddler was killed at Disney World by an alligator. The tragic story put a spotlight on potential dangers at the happiest place on earth, and what options parents have after a similar accident.


The parents involved in that incident decided not to sue the theme park for their child’s death, and many experts questioned whether a lawsuit

How to Teach Kids Safe Behavior around Dogs

Young children often love playing with dogs (especially if their family has a pet), but they don’t always know what behavior is and is not acceptable. Unfortunately, some parents also don’t always know where to draw the line when their child is approaching or playing with a dog. Parents may mistakenly believe that because the dog is familiar with the child or because the dog looks

Any Dog Can Bite: How to Prevent Becoming a Victim

While you might be more inclined to pick a Rottweiler than a Shih Tzu out of a Biting Dog Line-up, the truth is that any dog can bite if provoked. And while plenty of news reports and anecdotes have made it sound as if certain breeds are more prone to aggression, there’s no scientific evidence to support the idea that any one breed is more likely