Make Sure Your Florida Teen Takes Care This Prom and Graduation Season

Summer’s coming, and this time of year is especially exciting for juniors and seniors in high school. They’re receiving college acceptance letters, planning for their future, and preparing for some of the biggest nights of their lives.   Yes, we’re talking about prom and graduation.   As a parent, you probably have your own concerns...

Drowning and Dry Drowning: What Every Florida Parent Should Know

We’ve all seen depictions of drowning in TV and movies. The person in trouble shouts. They wave their arms. In short, they make a huge scene.   Unfortunately, real-life drowning rarely looks this way. This matters, because according to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 750 children drown each year.   In this post, we’re...

Florida Helicopter Tours: Are They Really Safe?

More and more Florida vacations are including helicopter tours – there’s one for virtually every price point now. Don’t forget the old adage, though: “You get what you pay for.”   You might think that flight certification is flight certification, but unfortunately it’s not quite that simple. All helicopter pilots are not created equal.  ...

How Florida Birth Injury Liability Works

Few experiences in life are comparable to the joy of becoming a parent. However, mothers across the world can attest to the fact that child birth isn’t easy — to put it mildly.   Worse, all it takes is a negligent midwife or health care professional to severely injure — or even permanently disable —...

My Brakes Stopped Working and I Crashed in FL – Am I Responsible?

There is a rule of thumb when it comes to rear-end collisions. When you’re in the vehicle behind, you’re responsible.   However, what if it’s one of those rare situations in which it really was a case of faulty brakes?   When you face a rear-end collision liability claim because your brakes went out, both...