Florida Governor in Violation of ADA Laws for Hearing Impaired

For the 61 million Americans, accessibility and inclusivity are everything. That’s exactly why the Americans with Disabilities Act was created. Still, not everyone plays by the ADA rules, including state government officials.   Recently, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had a complaint filed against him for not providing American Sign Language interpretation during the television broadcasts...

Did Your Child Cause Injury on Your Ex’s Watch? What You Should Know

Children make mistakes – it’s a part of learning, growing, and becoming an adult. Sometimes those mistakes can cause injuries to themselves or others. Again, all part of the process of growing up, but it is also something that can lead to legal consequences for parents.   Florida has parental responsibility laws that can make...

Can You Sue a Florida Casino for Losing?

If you’ve ever been to a casino, you know that sometimes it can be hard to quit while you’re ahead. For those who have issues with addiction when it comes to gambling, they could be out millions before they realize what they’re doing – and they’re being given the high-roller treatment by the casino in...