Why Are FL Slip and Fall Accidents So Dangerous?

Slip and fall accidents happen frequently in Florida, but just because they’re common doesn’t mean they’re not dangerous. In fact, many people don’t realize just how severe these types of accidents can be – and why.   If you’re ever involved in a slip and fall, it’s something you should take seriously. Everyone should fully...

How to Keep Elder Loved Ones Safe in FL

There seem to be stories frequently in the news about elder neglect or nursing home abuse in Florida. Many people spend their golden years in the Sunshine State, which is why ensuring they’re being properly cared for is vital.   If you have a loved one who requires care, you may be unsure where to...

FL ADA Violations: Can You Sue?

The Americans with Disabilities Act was a groundbreaking piece of legislation. It was passed to give protections to those who have disabilities, providing them with the same opportunities as everyone else.   Many things are covered under the ADA, from housing to employment to transportation. If you are disabled and feel the ADA has been...

Injured in a FL Gym? Find Out Who is Liable

People head to the gym to get healthy. No one expects to be injured at the gym, impacting their future health and more.   But gym accidents do happen. Every year people suffer injuries such as sprains, strains, soft tissue injuries, spinal cord injuries, broken bones, head injuries, and other serious injuries that disrupt their...

FL Daycare Accident: What If Your Child is Hurt?

Florida is a place where many people have chosen to raise their families. So it makes sense that our state is home to many different daycare options to care for children while parents work.   Under state law, daycares and other licensed childcare providers are responsible for keeping the children they are caring for safe....

Pedestrians: Stay Safe on FL Streets

Even though Florida has numerous laws on the books that are meant to protect pedestrians and plenty of sidewalks and crosswalks to ensure safe travel, far too many people are hit by vehicles as they are walking here each year.   In fact, one report was recently released that found Florida to be the second...